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Nestlé Co-Funds New Professorship Focusing on Sustainable Materials Research to Tackle Plastic Waste

April 29, 2020

Nestlé announced that it would co-fund a new Chair for Sustainable Materials at the EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) in Switzerland, together with Logitech, SIG and other industry partners. The chair will focus on the research and development of sustainable materials such as alternative packaging to enable the reduction of plastic waste. Together, the…


Packaging for the Planet and the Modern Consumer: Primary Packaging as a Sustainable Strategy

October 7, 2019

By Augustin De Tilly, Global Business Development Director at Aptar In the era of social media and digital activism, we are exposed to concerns about the impact of plastic on the environment on a daily basis. The attention to these issues is more than just social media buzz — the Plastic Pollution Coalition predicts that…