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DPC50 – Vertical Clamshell Sealer

January 12, 2016

The DPC50 is a unique in the market because 1 person can seal any typical size clamshell with no adjustments. This is accomplished by placing the flexible positioning sprints just above the heating surfaces, holding the clamshell in position with one hand, and pushing down on the handle with the other hand for 3 seconds.…


DPC100 – Adjustable Table Top Multi Point Clamshell Sealer

December 14, 2015

This table top sealer utilizes the same technology and quality components that have made the DPC10 the industry standard while meeting the requirements of adjustability and simultaneous multi-point sealing. This sealer can be used to weld OPS, PSP, PVC, EPS cases and is ideal for clam shells. It is a fast, easy to use, inexpensive…