By Todd Meussling, Senior Manager Market Development at Fresh-Lock® At the beginning of 2020, plastics were at the center of the sustainability conversation, facing frequent challenges of the role plastics have in packaging. However, as COVID-19 took hold across the U.S., heightened awareness of safety brought to light the necessity of plastic packaging. As we…
Read More >>Contributed by Sidel As November in the beverage industry goes under a beer sign, Olivier Goffin, Vice President Global Category Beer, Wine and Spirits at Sidel, is sharing insights about what drives the beer market nowadays and how the equipment providers like Sidel are working to mirror the market trends. The status quo: beer industry…
Read More >>By Sander Smith Produce Manager at Wexxar Bel Undoubtedly, phrases such as COVID-19, social distancing, essential workers and quarantine represent defining images of the turbulent, challenging year that was 2020. But perhaps adaptability and agility should be added to that list as well. That’s because nearly every business within the food, pharmaceutical, manufacturing and packaging…
Read More >>Understanding trends and challenges affecting packaging operations across the world By Jorge Izquierdo, Vice President, Market Development, PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies Before the coronavirus (COVID-19) became a global pandemic, demand for packaging machinery around the world was on the rise. A 2019 report by Grand View Research projected the value of…
Read More >>After thoughtful consultation with the PMMI Board of Directors, PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, has made the difficult decision to cancel its in-person PACK EXPO International and Healthcare Packaging EXPO in Chicago this year. The PMMI Board determined that due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the current state and local regulations,…
Read More >>The strategy and marketing consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners conducted a survey at the beginning of 2020, which asked managers in the paper and packaging sector about trends in the industry. As in previous years, sustainability and digitalization dominated the trend radar. According to a mood barometer conducted by the management consultancy during the coronavirus crisis…
Read More >>Supply55, Inc. has announced the release of the Guardian HS7500 Hand Sanitizer. Guardian HS7500 Hand Sanitizer reportedly utilizes 75 percent Isopropyl Alcohol as its active ingredient. It is a liquid formulation and can be sprayed, poured, or pumped for use as a hand sanitizer or surface cleaner. The sanitizer is packaged in one-gallon bottles for…
Read More >>Ardagh Group, Glass – North America, a business unit of Ardagh Group has partnered with Heritage Distilling Co. to produce and supply glass bottles for hand sanitizer during the coronavirus pandemic. Shortly after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, Heritage Distilling Co. switched from producing and bottling spirits to producing and bottling FDA- and WHO-compliant hand sanitizer for consumer and business…
Read More >>As the COVID-19 pandemic continues causing major disruptions throughout the packaging industry on levels never seen before, Dorner is meeting these challenges head on by leveraging its expertise and expediting its conveyor systems to critical applications. Husco is one of those applications. Waukesha, Wisconsin-based Husco, a privately-held company specializing in high performance hydraulic and electro-mechanical…
Read More >>The coronavirus outbreak has revealed a critical need for the packaging industry. Factories along with distribution and fulfillment centers continue to be challenged daily by COVID-19, as it has caused an unexpected increase in demand with limited supplies and laborers. According to Business Insider, as May kicked off, the state and city populations affected by…
Read More >>As states around the country begin to reopen businesses and public places, R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company (RRD) announced that it has shifted some of the production at its packaging facilities in Greensboro, N.C. and Reynosa, Mexico to create face shields[1] for single-users to protect businesses and communities across the country. The company is currently…
Read More >>By Joan Mantini As more countries begin to find their new normal after facing temporary shutdowns brought on by the global pandemic caused by the Cornona virus, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a temporary flexibility policy regarding certain labeling requirements for foods for humans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The issued guidance document…
Read More >>Pharmaworks, a ProMach product brand specializing in pharmaceutical blister packaging machinery, is leveraging their capabilities to produce and donate face shields to help meet the needs of healthcare professionals and first responders. With over 17,000 face shields donated to date and thousands more being made each day, Pharmaworks is asking the manufacturing community for PETG…
Read More >>By Bradley Dunlap, Product Marketing Manager at Shurtape Technologies, LLC In times of crisis, manufacturers tend to focus on front-end concerns: Are the raw materials necessary to make their product available? Do they have sufficient staff to maintain operations? Do they have processes in place to maintain the safety of their workers and their products?…
Read More >>Over forty packaging firms from twenty countries have come together to create an organization called “Fiber Shield” to create single-use, disposable face shields in response to COVID-19 and the global shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical professionals. Packaging producers and supply chain partners from around the world pooled their collective resources and expertise…
Read More >>GreenSeed, known for their custom packaging solutions for dry foods and supplements in the natural products category, agrees that business is anything but usual these days. The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred increased demand for convenient, shelf-stable foods, which have been flying off the shelves just as quickly as they are stocked, impacting every sector of…
Read More >>Thanks to a donation of essential plastic materials by Spartech, a Wisconsin-based company has been able to produce 20,000 face shields to help protect first responders and healthcare workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Spartech is a manufacturer of engineered thermoplastics and custom packaging solutions. “We recognize the need to support healthcare workers…
Read More >>Diversified Labeling Solutions (DLS) announced it has stepped up to serve a vital role in producing essential supply chain and medical products during the coronavirus pandemic. In the last month, the need for this type of label has grown exponentially. Nothing is manufactured, warehoused, distributed or shipped without a label on it. As the coronavirus…
Read More >>NiceLabel announced it is offering free subscriptions of its cloud-based labeling solution and technical consulting services to organizations that have joined the fight against COVID-19. The company has launched the non-commercial and non-profit-based initiative in order to help these organizations get much needed deliveries of medical equipment and supplies; respirators, disinfectants, masks or other critical…
Read More >>By Joan Mantini Although the world as we know it has been rapidly changing these last few weeks (longer for some), and we are faced with more unknows and uncertainties than ever before, in Michigan, one thing remains constant… the toilet paper shortage! As an unforeseen factor in the 2020 industry growth prospects, the outbreak…