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Automation as An Intelligent Pioneer for Growth

June 15, 2018

BY: Fabian Manger, Product Manager, Bosch Packaging Technology Bosch Fabian Globalization and increasing competition often make a market entry more difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). If a product has been developed that has the potential to generate large profits, it must be brought onto the market as quickly as possible. Profitable production is…


Tetra Pak To Develop Paper Straws for Its Portion-Size Carton Packages

May 16, 2018

Tetra Pak (Tetrapakusa.com) aims to launch a paper straw that is suitable for its portion-sized carton packages before the end of the year, as part of a broader program aimed at addressing the issue of plastic straw waste. Straws on portion packs are an integral part of the packaging system, but they are also a…


Low-Profile Carton and Case Magazines Features Ergonomic Design

April 11, 2018

Operators can now load cartons more efficiently and safely when working on contract packaging and high-production CPG packaging lines with the new low-profile carton and case magazine from PMI Cartoning, Inc (pmicartoning.com). The machine features an ergonomic design that eliminates that need to reach-up or use a ladder to load cartons or cases, and ultimately…


Independent Carton Group Commences 35th Year in Service

February 14, 2018

The Independent Carton Group (ICG; independentcartongroup.com) is pleased to be entering its 35th year in service to its members. What began with a few visionaries talking in an airport lounge in the early 1980s is now a major force in the packaging industry. Today, the groupโ€™s members, independently owned and operated folding carton manufacturers who…