FBIC’s – Bulk Bags
Ten reasons to use Flexible Bulk Intermediate Containers (FBIC’s)
Significantly improves labor force efficiency.
- Eliminates the need to handle, slit and dispose of 50 or 100 pound bags.
- Ends the pre-assembly work, which is required with most rigid or corrugated containers.
- Avoids wood pallet usage.
- The discharge of product is done with no dust or air contamination.
- Saves storage space because the semi-bulk containers are totally collapsible.
- Cuts costs because bulk bag containers are the least expensive means of packaging and transporting bulk products.
- Reduces the cost per unit use because most semi-bulk containers can be used repeatedly.
- Protects your product and ensures its safe storage and shipping. The tough industrial fabrics used in these containers give better security than multi-wall bags, corrugated or most rigid containers.
- Does away with any special handling equipment. A forklift does all the work.
Customer Savings:
A Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container can be used for almost any dry, flowable material. It can be handled, shipped and stored at a lower cost than current methods. The cost savings includes paper or jute bags, steel or aluminum containers, covered bins, or truckloads. The factors of reusability and extensive labor savings are also cost considerations over the other products currently on the market. Unlike throwaway or limited-wear packages, Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers may be used repeatedly, depending on handling and products carried.
For Performance Packaging Solutions:
- Abrasives
- Agriculture
- Cement
- Construction
- Foodstuffs
- Minerals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Plastics
- Recycling
- Refractory
- Rubber goods
- UN & DOT Approved
Elway Industries, Inc.
8339 Kempwood Drive
Houston, TX 77055-1031Toll Free: 877-793-2800 Fax: 713-690-2022