Seminar on Web Handling from a Premier Provider
Seminar on Web Handling
September 29 to October 1, 2014
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
This will be an applications oriented seminar with a sound fundamental basis. Ron Lynch will be the primary lecturer. Ron Lynch has more than 30 years’ experience in web handling, and previously served as the Industry Advisory Board Member from Procter and Gamble to the OSU Web Handling Research Center at Oklahoma State University. While at P&G, Ron was the in house expert teacher on Web Handling.
Two of our Web Handling Research Center faculty members will be featured as speakers on topics for which they are internationally known. Prabhakar Pagilla and J. Keith Good will join Ron Lynch to present a one-of-a-kind seminar.
Information about the Seminar is attached. Further information about the Seminar and setting, including information about REGISTRATION also can be found at:
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