PCMC Opens State-of-the-Art Packaging Innovation Center
Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller, recently opened a state- of-the art facility that will be a hub for the latest flexographic print and package converting technologies.
Located at PCMC’s headquarters in Green Bay, the new facility is focused on the printing and packaging industries, and will serve as a resource for training, demonstrations and industry trials, along with research and development opportunities. The new center features the latest equipment for plate mounting, anilox roll laser cleaning, and central impression and inline flexographic printing.
“We’re launching this unique experience center with flexographic central impression and inline printing capabilities, and will soon be adding digital printing, lamination, and bag and pouch converting equipment,” said Rodney Pennings, PCMC’s Director of Sales–Printing, Coating and Laminating. “We’re very grateful to our industry partners for contributing their equipment, knowledge and experience, so we can share the latest innovations in flexographic printing and bag converting.”
PCMC’s current partners at the center include 3M, All Printing Resources Inc., AV Flexologic, Clean Planet, Fox Valley Flexo Services, Harper Corporation of America, Interflex Laser Engravers, INX International Ink Co., Miraclon, Rossini s.p.a., Sandon Global, tesa SE, Wikoff Color Corporation and XSYS, in addition to Hudson-Sharp, which is part of PCMC. In the future, PCMC will seek to expand the center’s capabilities by collaborating with additional innovative companies serving the flexographic printing industry.
“PCMC has always been focused on providing high-quality, innovative machinery, along with excellence in customer support,” said Stan Blakney, BW Converting Solutions’ Group President. “It’s gratifying to offer a state-of-the-art facility where our customers can get hands-on training and learn more about the latest technologies that PCMC and our partners have to offer.”
For more about PCMC, which is part of Barry-Wehmiller, go to pcmc.com.