Drupa Prize 2018 Awarded to Dr. Lisa Handel

For her doctoral thesis on “Machine Stories and Process Worlds. OntoMedia Interference Patterns between Techno Sciences and Process Philosophies”, Dr. Lisa Handel was awarded the drupa Prize 2018. In her doctoral thesis, written at the Philosophical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany), the cultural and media scientist stimulates a new way of thinking, especially in view of the increasing computerization and digitization of all areas of life.

The Euro 6,000 prize was presented by Claus Bolza-Schünemann (Chairman of the Board at  Koenig & Bauer AG and Chairman of the drupa committee), Hans Werner Reinhard (Management Board of Messe Düsseldorf), Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch (Vice-Rector for International Affairs at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf), Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rosar (Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf) and Prof. Dr. Reinhold Görling (Cultural and Media Science Institute, Faculty of Philosophy at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf).

According to experts, Dr. Handel’s doctoral thesis is an “extraordinarily complex and innovative study in which current developments in the omnipresence of computerization are discussed from a media-philosophical perspective. She picks up on the process philosophy insights and assumptions of renowned and important philosophers such as Henri Bergson, Alfred North Whitehead and Gilles Deleuze and links them with the theories and practices of techno sciences including digital science and quantum physics.” Prof Dr. Ulrich Rosar adds: “With her doctoral thesis the prize winner has not only made an impressive contribution to linking ‘science and humanities’ but at the same time provides significant figures of thought to understand the urgent problem of ecology as a relationship of relations more comprehensively.”

“In her excellent dissertation Lisa Handel shows that changes do not simply take place in the sense of  “one day like this, the next like that” but constantly take the shape of processes in all areas of life,” explains Claus Bolza-Schünemann. “The materials and techniques used are not only means to an end, but always have a direct influence on events. On the other hand, Lisa Handel emphasizes in her work that humans are not passive observers of the processes, but we actively shape them through our actions”. From this perspective, current events such as refugee and financial crises, real estate bubbles, environmental disasters and climate change are – according to Lisa Handel – interim results of processes we have considerably influenced rather than suddenly occurring events.

About the Award Winner

Dr. Lisa Handel was born in Duisburg (Germany) on January 18, 1985. After finishing her secondary education examination, she studied cultural and media sciences in the Faculty of Philosophy at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf. She completed her studies in 2009 (Master of Arts, M.A.). In 2010 she started her doctoral thesis on “Machine Stories and Process Worlds. OntoMedia Interference Patterns between Techno Sciences and Process Philosophies” with successful disputation in December 2016 and completion of the dissertation with summa cum laude. Dr. Lisa Handel worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute for Cultural and Media Sciences at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf during her doctoral studies. At present, she works as a scientific assistant at the Centre for Gender Studies Cologne (GeStiK) at Cologne University (Germany).


About the drupa Prize

Every year, Messe Düsseldorf awards the drupa Prize to the best doctoral thesis at the Philosophical Faculty of Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany. Since 1978, it has honored outstanding humanities dissertations produced at the Düsseldorf University and promoted their publication and distribution with prize money of EUR 6,000. The drupa Prize is awarded each year by an expert panel consisting of the President and Vice-President of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, the Chairman of the drupa Committee and the President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf.

For information about the next drupa in 2020, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2920, Chicago, IL 60601. Telephone: (312) 781-5180; Fax: (312) 781-5188; E-mail: info@mdna.com.

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