Barrier Glider® High-Speed Door Designed for Cold Storage
The Barrier Glider® Cold Storage Door by Rite-Hite is a high-speed, bi-parting door that is ideal for refrigerated warehouses, food manufacturing/processing plants, grocery distribution centers and other facilities that require strict environmental control.
Barrier Glider Door features Rite-Hite’s patented Thermal-Flex Sealing System, which provides a heated perimeter sealing design. Flexible Iso-Tek® panels are 3ins thick and rated R-10. The trolley assembly is constructed of heavy gauge round tubing and uses hourglass-shaped rollers so the panel can rotate on the track for impactability (the ability to absorb a strike). As a safety feature, the panels automatically reverse when they encounter an obstruction.
Safety is also enhanced (and heat transfer reduced) by the Barrier Glider’s fast operating speeds. Powered by a 1 HP AC motor, it moves at up to 80ins per second when opening and 30in per second when closing.
Barrier Glider panels range in size from 6-foot by 8-foot up to 12ft by 20ft. They are available with optional 14in by 32in vision panels for increased visibility and safety.
The Barrier Glider comes standard with the Rite-Hite Graphic User Interface (GUI) door control panel. The industry’s only 7-inch LCD touchscreen interface displays real-time door status and allows workers to troubleshoot settings without personal protective equipment by eliminating arc flash.
About Rite-Hite
Rite-Hite is a leading manufacturer of material handling systems designed for maximum safety and productivity. Principal product lines include trailer restraints, dock levelers, integrated controls, dock seals and shelters, industrial power doors, fabric curtain walls, HVLS Fans and aftermarket products and services. For more information, visit or call 1-800-456-0600.