vitafusion™ Becomes First Vitamin Brand to Convert to Recycle-Friendly Shrink Packaging
EWING, NJ | vitafusion™ is the first in the vitamins category to use recycle-friendly shrink film labeled packaging in the United States. Packaging for vitafusion™ MultiVites 150-count gummies now incorporates shrink labels made with high-performing Eastman Embrace™ LV resin and Sun Chemical’s SunLam™ Deseaming Adhesive, converting a previously nonrecyclable package to a recycle-friendly one — with the full vitafusion™ gummies line converting to recycle-friendly shrink labeled packaging within 2019.
Incorporating the new deseaming adhesive into its current labeling process allows vitafusion™ to maintain the look and quality of its package with film made from Eastman Embrace™ LV copolyester. Multi-Color Corporation has replaced the traditional solvent used on the vitafusion™ labels with SunLam Adhesive, ensuring the washing phase of the recycling process can easily remove the shrink labels.