CombiView Ensures Safe and Simple Process Monitoring
SWINDON, UK | Sensing and instrumentation specialists BAUMER Ltd have introduced a new range of easy-to-handle measuring instruments with flexible programmable displays which, when used in conjunction with their pressure and temperature gauges, ensures the highest standards of functionality, safety and flexibility in process monitoring.
The new Baumer CombiView Series represents a tailor-made alarm management system for process industries which can be used with their CombiPress pressure gauges and CombiTemp temperature gauges. When configured with either the pressure or temperature gauges, the CombiView displays an overview of the current status of individual processes directly on-site. The measuring values do not have to be analyzed initially because the display indicates at-a-glance whether the preset measuring values have been exceeded and immediate intervention is required.
In practice the principle of CombiView is similar to a traffic light in that, a clear signal indicates whether there is a need for action. For example, the background color ‘red’ is suitable for values that require fast intervention, whilst the green background could signal correct operation enabling operators simply to have a quick glance to see that everything is in order at a gauge. The system allows operators to individually select the parameters and preferences to suit their process.
The representations on the display can also be adapted as required to suit the settings required for the process with a choice of either digital or analog display of the values. Another useful feature is that as the large CombiView display can be rotated in two axes by up to 360°, it is visible from almost any location.