Busting Manufacturing Myths

Processing and packaging strategies enable snack producers to attract health-conscious consumers and de-bunk the myth that ‘processed’ always means unhealthy. © bodnarphoto – stock.adobe.com
A New Perspective on Processed Food’s Bad Reputation
By Steve Burgess, General Manager Europe at TNA solutions
Processed food has long had a reputation for being the ‘bad boy’ of the grocery aisles, and in the wake of the pandemic, with consumers evermore focused on their health and wellbeing, the potential is there for these products to sink further down in their estimations. A recent GlobalData report on what it calls the Health and Wellness Megatrend[1] highlighted a shift towards how it is influencing consumer purchasing decisions. In 2022, 65% of global consumers were always or often influenced by the impact a product or service has on their health and wellbeing. This makes it the most influential aspect at time of writing.
Governments are also increasingly applying pressure globally to ensure food manufacturers continue
to improve the nutritional credentials of their products, as well as to make labelling clearer to enable consumers to make informed decisions. In the US, for example, where diet-related chronic diseases
are the leading cause of death and disability, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidance[2] that gives food manufacturers recommendations on how and when to use Dietary Guidance Statements on the label of food products. This is designed to ensure label statements promote good nutrition and provide greater consistency in labeling.
Like high-sugar products before them, ‘ultra-processed’ foods have become the industry’s latest ‘bogeyman,’ and the consensus is that the more processed the product, the less nutritious it is. In this article, we will explain how packaged goods don’t have to be deemed as the “unhealthy” option, and break down strategies manufacturers can use to give consumers the reassurance, insight and sense of control they need to see processed food in a whole new light.
Reformulating for a healthier nutritional profile

The tna intelli-flav® OMS 5.1 is the next-generation on-machine seasoning system that provides both
powder flavoring and liquid oil in a single drum. Image courtesy of TNA solutions.
Many processed foods derive a large part of their signature flavor from the seasoning stage of production – making this an important site for nutritional improvement. Seasoning is, of course, a vital process, but in many cases, this is where the majority of a product’s added salt or sugar content is incorporated. As such, the seasoning process is a key area where food producers can reduce and control sugar and salt levels in their products via more accurate processing equipment. In doing so, they will be better equipped to meet tight nutrition targets, while at the same time reducing food waste and changeover times.
In order for brands to adapt, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) must support them accordingly, and where seasoning is concerned, one of the core elements is providing solutions that deliver the freedom to adapt and exercise precise recipe control. This is essential to ensuring flexible and efficient operating practices, and the latest on-machine seasoning solutions feature independent scarf feeders and separate tumble drums to accommodate alternative product varieties on a single production line.
This more automated, recipe-driven approach is vital as demand increases for products that contribute to better health and wellbeing, as lowering salt and fat content will be fundamental. Intelligent seasoning systems that incorporate integrated controls and monitoring solutions can monitor the quantities of salt or oil being applied accurately. As a result, brands are able to offer greater transparency, at the same time enhancing efficiencies. Digitally enabled systems also allow manufacturers the freedom to adapt recipes, meaning that switching between standard and lower salt and fat content products can be done at the touch of a button at the beginning of each batch.
Focusing on frying

The tna batch-pro 12 offers three-stage oil filtration system for extended oil life and product consistency. Image courtesy of TNA solutions.
Frying is a familiar cooking method that’s easy for consumers to understand, helping lend an air of trust and transparency. Though it’s well known, frying is also often associated with high fat, high salt foods like potato chips and French Fries, which go against the grain of perceived healthy foods. With the right processing equipment, however, brands can control oil quality during the frying process and open up the possibility of using ‘healthier’ oils to give their products a more attractive nutritional profile.
When it comes to creating products that are more suited to the health and wellness category, oil quality is a hugely important aspect. Selecting a high-quality, high-stability frying oil can help to minimize and even remove trans fats entirely, and there are additional benefits too in the form of prolonged shelf life and superior taste. These elements translate very well to on-pack messaging, and help to distance processed foods from the stigma surrounding products with high levels of unhealthy fat content.
New ingredients are also on the radars of producers as a possible solution to improve the health credentials of products such as chips. Ingredients such as lentils, whole seeds and quinoa have all featured in recent recipe innovations, as well as vegetables and even some fruits. With the right machinery, capable of adapting to different raw materials, there is a real opportunity for producers to excite consumers with healthy twists on the classics.
Healthier and safer for people and the planet
Looking back at a 2021 GlobalData report, 57% of consumers cited food safety concerns as a major influence on their purchasing decisions.[3] Food producers, therefore, must keep processing equipment scrupulously clean to prevent such things as cross-contamination. Hygienically designed processing equipment, with minimal moving parts and features, can be easily sanitized between product runs, while production elements such as horizontal distribution conveyers, for example, can be constructed using food grade stainless steel with a 2B natural finish. Such materials can withstand aggressive fats, oils and flavors, while remaining resilient to caustic cleaning materials.
Harnessing line monitoring data

TNA creates and sustains complete processing and packaging solutions that help snacks producers realize goals and exceed their expectations. Image courtesy of TNA solutions.
Clean label and traceability are closely connected to health in the minds of conscious consumers, and by lifting the lid on the manufacturing process, brands can build consumer trust in their products. Online monitoring systems and smart equipment operating systems can provide this invaluable insight, with intelligent, accurate and customizable digital data collection systems helping brands to address shoppers’ anxieties with concrete insights at every stage of the production process.
If we take in-line systems like barcode scanners, date code assurance tools and metal detection equipment, for example, the possibilities are myriad. Integrated into the production line at various intervals, barcode scanners have the ability to verify the correct product batch is being processed by scanning product barcodes and cross-checking them with pre-approved production schedules. Then, once the product has been verified, date code assurance systems can take over to confirm that
‘use -by’ dates are printed, complete and legible on the product packaging. Then, finally, metal detectors and x-ray equipment continuously scan for foreign bodies, pinpointing sources of contamination within the product stream. With the comprehensive oversight provided by these solutions, manufacturers can check, scan and verify each and every pack to meet both the standards of consumers and regulatory bodies.
By improving traceability, brands can ensure the production process is operating efficiently, at the same time helping producers to reassure consumers that their products are a safer option.
The food industry does have a responsibility to help consumers make healthy diet choices, but this doesn’t have to mean a complete rejection of processed foods. From keeping shelf lives stable, to making essential nutrition accessible and affordable for all, there are many ways processing food can actually make products healthier and give consumers more control – something which food brands should do more to highlight. By clearly and honestly communicating these benefits, both in terms of marketing and labelling, and taking steps to improve the nutritional credentials of their products, manufacturers can break down the myths that make consumers suspicious of processed foods.
About the Author
Steve Burgess spearheads TNA solutions’ European division, combining over two decades of expertise in sales, customer service, and business operations. TNA solutions is a global leader in food processing and packaging solutions, committed to helping people succeed responsibly in a changing world. With over 40 years of experience, Visit www.tnasolutions.com to learn more.
[1] https://www.globaldata.com/store/report/understanding-shifts-in-trendsights-influence-trend-analysis/
[2] https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/draft-guidance-industry-questions-and-answers-about-dietary-guidance-statements-food-labeling
[3] GlobalData, TrendSights Analysis 2021: Sustainability & Ethics, May 2021, slide 10.